Labia Majora Fat Transfer
—in Miami, FL—

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Delicate Rejuvenation

Intimate rejuvenation can be a sensitive topic. The first thing to know is that you are not alone. Many women see changes in their bodies due to hormonal shifts, aging, pregnancy, or weight loss and may have a desire to restore the appearance or feel. This includes the labia majora, or outer labia, which can become deflated or lose volume. With a Labia Majora Fat Transfer, patients can see their intimate areas, and their confidence, restored.

Labia Majora Fat Transfer at Zuri Plastic Surgery

We understand that discussing this kind of procedure can be awkward for many. At Zuri Plastic Surgery, compassion and attentiveness are two of our core values and we do all we can to ensure that patients feel safe, comfortable, and well-cared for no matter what type of procedure they are undergoing. Dr. Alexander Zuriarrain and his skilled team provide Miami labia majora fat transfer with the utmost skill and safety.

What is Labia Majora Fat Transfer?

The labia majora, or the outer labia, can lose volume or develop laxity as women age or after significant weight loss. For many women, this flat or saggy appearance can be less than ideal aesthetically and, for some, can cause discomfort when wearing tight-fitting clothing or swimwear. A labia majora fat transfer provides an option for natural volume restoration and sculpting of the area. This procedure works by first extracting fat cells from some other part of the body such as the abdomen, buttocks, or hips. Then, the fat cells are purified, prepared, and delicately injected in layers into the outer labia to restore a supple, rejuvenated look and address any related functional issues.

—Benefits of Labia Majora Fat Transfer—

A labia majora fat transfer will restore lost volume in the outer labia, leading to a fuller, more youthful appearance and improved comfort during daily activities including exercise or wearing tight clothing. Pairing the fat transfer with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy can further boost results, as PRP promotes faster healing, improves tissue regeneration, and increases fat survival rates. Our Miami, FL, labia majora fat transfer patients can:

Labia Majora Fat Transfer Candidates

Ideal candidates for labia majora fat transfer are women who have experienced volume loss, sagging, or deflation in the outer labia due to aging, hormonal changes, weight loss, or pregnancy. Candidates should be in overall good health, non-smokers, and should not be pregnant or breastfeeding. Medical conditions like uncontrolled diabetes, blood clotting disorders, or autoimmune diseases may pose risks and should be discussed thoroughly with your provider.

Alexander Zuriarrain, MD, FACS

Consultation and Preparation

During your completely personalized consultation, Dr. Zuri will discuss every aspect of this treatment and exactly what it includes in detail. He will also want to hear about your medical history and aesthetic goals. Then, we will provide you with a detailed treatment plan along with procedure preparation instructions.

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This treatment begins with the administration of local anesthesia to numb both the donor site, where fat will be harvested, and the labia majora, along with a mild sedative if needed. Fat is carefully extracted via liposuction from the donor site, treated to remove any impurities, and then injected into the labia majora in small amounts. This procedure typically takes about one to two hours.

At Zuri Plastic Surgery, we utilize the cutting-edge LipoCube fat grafting system, which allows for the highest quality fat transfer. This advanced technology ensures the fat cells are processed in a way that maximizes their viability and results in a more natural, long-lasting outcome. The LipoCube system offers an efficient and precise approach, giving you naturally-beautiful results and helping restore self-assurance and confidence.

Results, Recovery, and Aftercare

Some patients may experience swelling, bruising, or mild discomfort after the procedure, which generally resolves within one to two weeks. Most patients can return to daily activities after about a week, but strenuous exercise, sexual activity, and pressure on the treated area should be avoided for at least four to six weeks. Results with this treatment typically last long-term or are permanent.

Why Zuri Plastic Surgery?

As a rare quadruple board-certified Miami plastic surgeon, Dr. Alexander Zuriarrain is supremely technically qualified in his field and completely dedicated to the art of aesthetic surgery. With safety and compassion as primary goals for each patient, Dr. Z and his team consistently provide outstandingly safe and effective treatments that offer stunning results.

Schedule Your Miami Labia Majora Fat Transfer Consultation at Zuri Plastic Surgery Today

Our compassionate and professional staff is here to answer your questions and can help you book your personalized consultation with Dr. Z and his aesthetic medical team. Call now at 786.804.1603 for more information and to book your appointment.

Labia Majora Fat Transfer FAQS

Is Labia Majora Fat Transfer common?

Concerns about this part of the body are a very common occurrence and as more women become comfortable discussing their concerns surrounding these issues, the more common labia majora fat transfer has become.

Is Labia Majora Fat Transfer safe?

While it may seem intimidating to receive treatment in such an intimate area, this is a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure and is considered quite safe and routine.

What are the risks of Labia Majora Fat Transfer?

The risks include those that could happen with any type of fat transfer procedure, including bleeding, bruising, or swelling, as well as very rare risks like infection.

How long do Labia Majora Fat Transfer results last?

Results after this procedure are typically permanent or very long-lasting. Final results begin to show at 6 months after fat grafting.

How much does Labia Majora Fat Transfer cost?

The cost of labia majora fat transfer will vary depending on the specifics of each patient’s procedure and other factors, such as whether labiaplasty will be part of the treatment plan.

Get a one on one consultation with Dr. Z in his beautiful practice in Miami, FL

7540 SW 61 Ave, South Miami, FL 33143

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